외국인부품소재전용단지(Complex-type foreign investment zone)
Home > 산업단지분양(Sale for industrial complex) > 외국인부품소재전용단지(Complex-type foreign investment zone)
일반현황(General Status)
- 위 치 : 익산시 삼기면, 낭산면 일원 (제3일반산업단지내)
Location: Near Samgi-myeon and Nangsan-myeon, Iksan City(In the 3rd general industrial complex) - 규 모 : 319,398㎡ (10만평)
Area: 319,398㎡ - 입주자격 : 외국인 단독투자기업, 외국인투자지분 30%이상인 외국인투자기업
Occupancy requirements: A joint venture company where a foreign-invested company or a company in which a foreigner is the sole investor holds 30 % or more of the joint venture’s total number of stocks with voting rights or total capital - 임대료 : 103원/㎡ (평당340원/월) ⇒ 500만불 이상 투자시 최대 50년간(갱신 가능) 무료
Rent: KRW 103/㎡ ⇒ Free for up to 50 years if FDI is over USD 5 million
시설명(Utility) | 현행(Capacity) |
용수(Water) | 공업용수 : 10,503㎥/일(Industrial water : 10,503㎥/day) 생활용수 : 1,459㎥/일(Household water : 1,459㎥/day) |
전력(Electricity) | 전력공급계획 : 712,969Mwh/년(712,969Mwh/year) |
통신(Tele communication) | 초고속 통신 : 3,426회선(3,426 lines) |
폐수시설(Waste water treatment facility) | 폐수종말처리시설 설치 처리용량 : 8,358톤/일(8,358tons/day) |
에너지 공급(Gas) | 도시가스(LNG)공급(Liquefied Natural Gas)
에너지사용량 : 2,046,238Gcal/년(2,046,238Gcal/year) |
문 의 처(Contact)
- 전화 : 063)859-5223
(Tel: 82-63-859-5225, 5229)